Report SPAM

Do your part - report spam abuse! We do not allow our customers to send mass unsolicited e-mails, or "spam" report spam abuse to us. No Spam Policy: We will not tolerate the dispersal of unsolicited E-mail transmissions (spam).

Sending spam E-mail from an HDTVSupply dot com address or using an HDTVSupply dot com address as a return address or an opt-out address for spam is in violation of the terms and conditions by which we operate, and users found in violation of the policy will have their account terminated. Additionally we will pursue legal actions against any person violating our terms and conditions. If you have received spam E-mail, please forward one complete copy of the E-mail, including all headers, to - delete NOSPAM - or the below.

For each violation of the no spam policy, users will be fined ten dollars ($10 USD) for EACH E-mail sent. This damages provision does not preclude from seeking other damages as well. We will take steps to investigate the problem immediately. Paste the entire e-mail that prompted your complaint into the provided box. Be sure to include ALL ORIGINAL MESSAGE HEADERS.