9x9 HDMI Matrix Switchers

Scroll Down to see our 19 - 9X9 HDMI Matrix Switchers having optional specs for:
- Created in fixed, card cage chassis or LAN
- 1080p, 4K/30 & 4K/60 Resolutions
- iOS/Android Apps on some
- Preset Scenes Saved & Recalled
- Crestron, RTI, URC, Elan & Control4 drivers on some
- Optional HDMI over CAT6 Baluns to 220'
- Scaling & 100ms switching
- Separate audio on some
- ISO9001 manufactured
- Internal Video Wall Processors
These 19-different WolfPack™ 9x9 HDMI Matrix Switchers allow any of 9-HDMI inputs to be sent to 9-HDMI video outputs. Because they are 9x9 HDMI Matrix Switchers, they allow any input to be routed to any output, or the same input to be sent to all outputs. Our 9x9 HDMI Matrix Switchers give you thousands of input and output combinations. Need more help? Just call our tech support line at 833-WOLFPACK (833-965-3722) to discuss your application. Need more or less HDMI inputs, CLICK ON HDMI Matrix Switchers