This 1X4 component video splitter splits a component video signal & sends it to four outputs. It does not support audio. If you need both video and audio this 1X4 Video Audio Splitter is a superb unit and we sell many.
1X4 Component Video Splitter Features:
- Splits the output of any DVD or HDTV Set Top Receiver.
- AC coupled
- Each output has its own High-Current Cable Driver.
- Drives very long cables i.e. 300 feet very easily. No interaction with other outputs.
- Will accept any analog input, Composite Video, Y-Pb-Pr or RGB at any scan rate and give you 4 identical 1080p High Bandwidth (200MHz) outputs.
- All Connectors are Gold Plated RCA.
- Can be used as three separate 1x4 DA's or loop the outputs back in and create a 1x10 DA.
- Use as SPDIF/AES-EBU (Digital Audio) DA to split PCM, DTS or AC3 Digital Audio.
- Power Supply (12VDC) Included.
- Perfect as a Broadcast Utility DA at a fraction of the cost.
NOTE: This splitter either splits to (a) 4 - component video signals with no audio, (b) 4 - composite video signals with right and left analog audio or (c) 4 - RCA digital audio signals. The above cannot be combined as there is only 3 (Red-Green-Blue) RCA inputs and 4X3 = 12 RCA outputs.
Why not buy this 1X4 Component Video Splitter today?